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Casting Characters

"I am creating stories that need to be told and added to the American Canon" 

-Marisela Treviño Orta

Type Cast Role: Emily, late teens, White. She is quiet, submissive, and bookish, shy and unassuming. A genuinely sweet person. Your typical, girl next door she seems off limits sexually. She shops at thrift stores and wears a lot of long skirts, but no makeup. She’s pretty but doesn’t realize it. Matt does, but doesn’t know what to do about it. 


Desired Role: Christine, mid-twenties, White. She is navigating the ups and downs of early adulthood, sometimes well, and sometimes, well, not. She has a sense of humor about it all though. She deals with the uncertainties of an undiagnosed autoimmune disease. Has board game nights with her very supportive roommates. Is in love with her best friend but is honestly okay that they don’t love her back, she’d rather be investing time in her non-profit organization anyways. 


Type Cast Role: Sarah, mid-teens, White. Supportive best friend. A little bit neurotic and high strung. Living vicariously through her more popular, more successful friend. She has maternal instincts and is the kind of person who will tell you not to open the door in the horror movie. She won’t judge you when you inevitably do. 


Desired Role: Katie, mid-twenties, White. A middle school sex-ed teacher coming to terms with their own sexuality while advocating for a more inclusive curriculum. Struggles with the political implications of coming out in the workplace and what that could mean for her early career. Genuinely cares for all of her students and has unique relationships with all of them. 


Type Cast Role: Loise, 20s, White. Manic pixie dream girl. Quirky and fun. Will inspire you to do something with your life, or at the very least listen to better music. Takes pottery classes for fun and volunteers at the animal shelter. Wants to be a hippie, but can’t quite commit. She is content working at the coffee shop/bookstore on 1st and main.


Desired Role: Hannah, mid-twenties, White. A freshman adjusting to college life. So ambitious she intimidates people. She thinks this is a good thing. She is very stubborn and prideful. Better with microorganisms than with people. Is already trying to get research published. Barely holding it together, but you wouldn’t be able to tell. 


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